Radical Bowl in Li et al 1972

There are 16 glyphs containing the radical "bowl" in Li Lincan et al. (1972).

9-1.  (17)
1261. kual /kʻwɑ⁵⁵/ bowl
1262. kuaq /kʻwɑ³¹/ bad
1263. bal /pɑ⁵⁵/ big plate
1264. bal /pɑ⁵⁵/ big plate
1265. ddei /de³³/ wooden dish
1266. ddei /de³³/ wooden dish
1267. ha /hɑ³³/ meal
1269. gvl gv /kv⁵⁵ kv³³/ close together (no meal)
1278. kual kee /kʻwɑ⁵⁵ kʻɯ³³/ through wizard stick on wooden dish to see signs
1279. hiu bbiuq /hʏ³³ bʏ³¹/ tsampa
1281. jjo /dʑo³³/ exist
1282. njeq /ndʑə³¹/ difficult
1283. sal /sɑ⁵⁵/ overflow
1285. ho /ho³³/ full
1286. lel /le⁵⁵/ tea
1287. chua /tʂʻwɑ³³/ rice
1251. bo /po³³/ treasure