Radical Bring in Li et al 1972

There are 24 glyphs containing the radical "bring" in Li Lincan et al. (1972).... Back to the Plate of radicals in Li et al. (1972).

3-II-22.  (24)
322. bol /po⁵⁵/ to bring
321. zeel /tsɯ⁵⁵/ to block
411. sseel /zɯ⁵⁵/ to pick
249. ddeeq /dɯ³¹/ to get
323. zaq /tsa³¹/ wealthy
328. ruaq /ʐwa³¹/ to measure
329. bbiu /bʏ³³/ bold
330. lvq /lv³¹/ to lift
349. haiq /hæ³¹/ to buy
299. bbiq /bi³¹/ to rub (with hands)
333. eeq /ɯ³¹/ to embrace
382. pei /pʻe³³/ to winnow
534. pei /pʻe³³/ to winnow
444. zherq /tʂər³¹/ to use
445. gol /ko⁵⁵/ to discard
450. ssee /zɯ³³/ to hold on shoulder
451. kv /kʻv³³/ to cut
452. vq reel /v³¹ ʐɯ⁵⁵/ servant
454. ioq /io³¹/ to bring
455. o /o³³/ natal
456. sheel /ʂɯ⁵⁵/ to peel
468. mai /mæ³³/ to catch up
486. se ioq mi keel /sə³³ io³¹ mi³³ kʻɯ⁵⁵/ light firewood
520. zhuaq nee bi liq moq /tʂwa³¹ nɯ³³ pi³³ li³¹ mo³¹/ a man plays flute