Radical Ndo Ghost in Li et al 1972

There are 8 glyphs containing the radical "ndo ghost" in Li Lincan et al. (1972).... Back to the Plate of radicals in Li et al. (1972).

1862. ndoq /ndo³¹/ ndo ghost
1863. ndol /ndo⁵⁵/ to fall down
1865. laq zzeeq /lɑ³¹ dzɯ³¹/ wooden ghost with hands
1866. bba zzeeq /bɑ³³ dzɯ³¹/ wooden ghost with feet
1860. dol /to⁵⁵/ 'do' ghost
1861. dol keel /to⁵⁵ kʻɯ⁵⁵/ to release 'do' ghost
1864. dol nee ndoq shv shvq /to⁵⁵ nɯ³³ ndo³¹ ʂv³³ ʂv³¹/ dumb ghost brings 'do' ghost
1844. leiq chel do ma /le³¹ tʂʻə⁵⁵ to³³ mɑ³³/ the dough statue of the ghost of hell