Radical Dongba Priest in Li et al 1972

There are 62 glyphs containing the radical "Dongba priest" in Li Lincan et al. (1972).... Back to the Plate of radicals in Li et al. (1972).

1901. do mbaq /to³³ mba³¹/ Dongba priest
1902. biuq /pʏ³¹/ to chant (Dongba priest)
1903. peil /pʻe⁵⁵/ to spit (Dongba priest)
1904. tvl /tʻv⁵⁵/ to exorcise (Dongba priest)
1905. nii /ȵi³³/ to scrape misfortune
1906. ceeq /tsʻɯ³¹/ to come
1907. bal maq bal /pɑ⁵⁵ mɑ³¹ pɑ⁵⁵/ the rite of smearing butter in wedding
1911. do mbaq sherl ler /to³³ mbɑ³¹ ʂər⁵⁵ rər³³/ Dongba Shilo
1912. gel bbv taq /kə⁵⁵ bv³³ tʻɑ³¹/ the primary disciple of Dongba Shilo
1913. naq bbv taq /nɑ³¹ bv³³ tʻɑ³¹/ the second disciple of Dongba Shilo
1914. piu bba miq cheel ddi dua /pʻʏ³³ bɑ³³ mi³¹ tʂʻɯ⁵⁵ di³³ dwɑ³³/ the thrid disciple of Dongba Shilo
1915. ggv zzeeq purq biu mbvq /gv³³ dzɯ³¹ pʻur³¹ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of Guzon People
1916. naq xi oq biu mbvq /nɑ³¹ ɕi³³ o³¹ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of Moso People
1917. lei bbv shaiq biu mbvq /le³³ bv³³ ʂæ³¹ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of Minjia People
1918. ggeq ceil zei mbvq /gə³¹ tsʻe⁵⁵ tse³³ mbv³¹/ the primary Dongba priest in the east
1919. * seil ree miq mgo /se⁵⁵ ʐɯ³³ mi³¹ ŋgo³³/ the primary Dongba priest in the south
1920. naq seil cho loq /nɑ³¹ se⁵⁵ tʂʻo³³ ro³¹/ the primary Dongba priest in the west
1921. ggv sei ke mbaq /gv³³ se³³ kʻə³³ mbɑ³¹/ the primary Dongba priest in the north
1922. so ioq zil ggv /so³³ io³¹ tsi⁵⁵ gv³³/ the primary Dongba priest in the center
1923. mee ggv biu mbvq /mɯ³³ gv³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the heaven
1924. ddiuq gge biu mbvq /dʏ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the ground
1925. bbi ge biu mbvq /bi³³ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the sun
1926. leiq gge biu mbvq /le³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the moon
1927. geeq gge biu mbvq /kɯ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the star
1928. ssa ge biu mbvq /zɑ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the planet
1929. jiq gge biu mbvq /tɕi³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the cloud
1930. hai ge biu mbvq /hæ³³ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the wind
1931. gvl gge biu mbvq /kv⁵⁵ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the rainbow
1932. seel gge biu mbvq /sɯ⁵⁵ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the god of families (ancestors)
1933. oq ge miu mbvq /o³¹ gə³³ mʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the god of crops
1934. oq ge miu mbvq /o³¹ gə³³ mʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of the god of livestock
1935. iq sheel bbo ndzo /i³¹ ʂɯ⁵⁵ bo³³ ndzo³³/ Dongba priest of Meelee Ddonzzee
1936. jjeq bv tv chee /dʑə³¹ bv³³ tʻv³³ tʂʻɯ³³/ Dongba priest of Cossei Lee'ee (No.513)
1937. jji ee shail ler /dzi³³ ɯ³³ ʂæ⁵⁵ rər³³/ Dongba priest of Galeiciu (No.514)
1938. meiq gge biu mbvq /me³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of Mei clan
1939. hoq ge biu mbvq /ho³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of Ho clan
1940. shv gge biu mbvq /ʂv³³ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of Shu clan
1941. ieq gge biu mbvq /iə³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of Ye clan
1942. ddvq gge biu mbvq /dv³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Ddv' ghost
1943. zeiq gge biu mbvq /tse³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Zei' ghost
1944. derq gge biu mbvq /tər³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Der' ghost
1945. mo gge biu mbvq /mo³³ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Mo ' ghost
1946. eeq gge biu mbvq /ɯ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Ee' ghost
1947. cee ge biu mbvq /tsʻɯ³³ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of hanged ghost
1948. mbeeq ge biu mbvq /mbɯ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of ghost of infertility
1948. mbeeq ge biu mbvq /mbɯ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of ghost of infertility
1949. mbeeq ge biu mbvq /mbɯ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of ghost of infertility
1950. mi gge biu mbvq /mi³³ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of ghost of fire
1951. cee ge biu mbvq /tsʻɯ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Cee' ghost
1952. chel gge biu mbvq zhel shol jil mbur /tʂʻə⁵⁵ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹ tʂə⁵⁵ ʂo⁵⁵ tɕi⁵⁵ mbur³³/ a Dongba priest of 'Che' ghost
1953. chel gge biu mbvq kv jjeq gge lo /tʂʻə⁵⁵ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹ kʻv³³ dʑə³¹ gə³³ lo³³/ a Dongba priest of 'Che' ghost
1954. chel gge biu mbvq da lee jji bv /tʂʻə⁵⁵ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹ tɑ³³ rɯ³³ dʑi³³ bv³³/ a Dongba priest of 'Che' ghost
1955. chel gge biu mbvq ceel ler jji bbv /tʂʻə⁵⁵ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹ tsʻɯ⁵⁵ rər³³ dʑi³³ bv³³/ a Dongba priest of 'Che' ghost
1956. gel nzzee sei ssee /kə⁵⁵ ndzɯ³³ se³³ zɯ³³/ Dongba priest of ghost of hunger
1957. xoq so ddiuq gge biu mbvq /ɕo³¹ so³³ dʏ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Xoso' (place name)
1958. laq ma il ddiuq gge biu mbvq /lɑ³¹ mɑ³³ i⁵⁵ dʏ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Lama' (place name)
1959. bbei coq ssee ddiuq gge biu mbvq /be³³ tsʻo³¹ zɯ³³ dʏ³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of human realm
1960. heiq ddiuq biu mbvq /he³¹ dʏ³¹ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Hei' ghost
1961. heiq gge biu mbvq /he³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Hei' ghost
1964. nii gge biu mbvq /ȵi³³ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Nii' ghost
1965. diu gge biu mbvq /tʏ³³ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Diu' ghost
1966. saq ddal biu mbvq /sɑ³¹ dɑ⁵⁵ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Saq' ghost
1967. shvq gge biu mbvq /ʂv³¹ gə³³ pʏ³³ mbv³¹/ Dongba priest of 'Shv' ghost