'Hei' God in Li et al 1972

There are 31 glyphs without shared component in this section Li Lincan et al. (1972).... Back to the Plate of radicals in Li et al. (1972).

2007. heiq /he³¹/ 'hai' god
2008. hei jje /he³¹ dʑə³³/ the second lunar month
2016. sa leel uei dei /sɑ³³ rɯ⁵⁵ we³³ de³³/ a major god in Moso classics
2017. heiq ddeeq ua purq /he³¹ dɯ³¹ wɑ³³ pʻur³¹/ white-bone god (a major god in Moso classics)
2020. ha lo mgoq mbv /hɑ³³ lo³³ ŋgo³¹ mbv³³/ name of a god
2026. mee geiq iq sheel hei ddeeq /mɯ³³ ke³¹ i³¹ ʂɯ⁵⁵ he³³ dɯ³¹/ name of a major god of the heaven
2027. ddiuq geiq miq njjo hei ddeeq /dʏ³¹ ke³¹ mi³¹ ndʑo³³ he³³ dɯ³¹/ name of a major god of the ground
2028. mee neiq ddiu gual mgee /mɯ³³ ne³¹ dʏ³¹ kwɑ⁵⁵ ŋgɯ³³/ name of a major god in the center between the heaven and the ground
2029. nii mei tv /ȵi³³ me³³ tʻv³³/ a major god of wood in the east
2030. i chee meeq /i³³ tʂʻɯ³³ mɯ³¹/ a major god of fire in the south
2031. nii meif ggvq /ȵi³³ me¹³ gv³¹/ a major god of metal in the west
2032. ho ggv loq /ho³³ gv³³ lo³¹/ a major god of water in the north
2033. mee neiq ddiuq liuq ggv /mɯ³³ ne³¹ dʏ³¹ lʏ³¹ gv³³/ a major god of soil in the center between the heaven and the ground
2034. gv zzeeq purq hei ddeeq /gv³³ dzɯ³¹ pʻur³¹ he³³ dɯ³¹/ a major god of Guzo People
2035. naq xi oq hei ddeeq /nɑ³¹ ɕi³³ o³¹ he³³ dɯ³¹/ a major god of Moso People
2036. lei bv shaiq hei ddeeq /le³³ bv³³ ʂæ³¹ he³³ dɯ³¹/ a major god of Minjia People
2037. la zheeq doq mil /lɑ³³ tʂɯ³¹ to³¹ mi⁵⁵/ name of a god who is vegetarian and with 99 appearances
2039. so mbv mbvq kee /so³³ mbv³³ mbv³¹ kʻɯ³³/ name of a god who created the realm of Naga Kings
2040. so derq ioq so /so³³ tər³¹ io³¹ so³³/ name of a god
2048. la o iq sheel biuq so /lɑ³³ o³³ i³¹ ʂɯ⁵⁵ pʏ³¹ so³³/ three gods, sitting on the top of the sacred mountain
2049. maq hal ga la /mɑ³¹ hɑ⁵⁵ kɑ³³ lɑ³³/ name of a Tibetan Buddhist god
2050. jje gaq na bvq /dʑə³³ kɑ³¹ nɑ³³ pv³¹/ god of strength
2051. mal mi ba luaq /mɑ⁵⁵ mi³³ pɑ³³ rwɑ³¹/ the god who created the realm of 'ddv' ghost
2052. seil sei ke jjeq /se⁵⁵ se³³ kʻə³³ dʑə³¹/ the god who created the realm of 'gv' ghost
2053. miq cheel ddiq ua /mi³¹ tʂʻɯ⁵⁵ di³¹ wɑ³³/ name of a god
2054. da la miq mbbiu /tɑ³³ lɑ³³ mi³¹ mbʏ³³/ name of a general of Dongba Shilo
2060. ieq lal ddi ddua /iə³¹ lɑ⁵⁵ di³³ dwɑ³³/ name of a god (remote ancestor of human)
2118. heiq mil ndv zzeeq /he³¹ mi⁵⁵ ndv³³ dzɯ³¹/ a goddess with wings
2071. mga ua laq ddua /ŋgɑ³³ wɑ³³ lɑ³¹ dwɑ³³/ name of a divien craftman (guru of blacksmith)
2109. mee ssee mgvl ssee /mɯ³³ zɯ³³ ŋɡv⁵⁵ zɯ³³/ nine brothers of the heaven
2110. ddiuq ssee sher ssee /dʏ³¹ zɯ³³ ʂʌr³³ zɯ³³/ seven brothers of the ground