Radical Knife on in Li et al 1972

There are 18 glyphs containing the radical "knife" in Li Lincan et al. (1972).

11-1.  (18)
1454. mgaiq / rur / ndal pieq /ŋgæ³¹/ʐur³³/ndɑ⁵⁵pʻiʌ³¹/ knife
1455. ndal /ndɑ⁵⁵/ to chop
1456. cel /tsʻə⁵⁵/ to cut open
1457. sheq /ʂə³¹/ to tear open
1458. cv biq /tsʻv³³ pi³¹/ to separate
1459. hail /hæ⁵⁵/ to cut
1460. ke /kʻə³³/ to rip
1461. see /sɯ³³/ sharpen
1462. shvl /ʂv⁵⁵/ to draw (knife)
1463. shvl /ʂv⁵⁵/ to draw (knife)
1464. mgaiq jjiq /ŋgæ³¹ dʑi³¹/ scabbard
1465. mgo nii /ŋgo³³ ȵi³³/ to scrape
1466. mgaiq tal mi nrhee cee hua hua /ŋgæ³¹ tʻɑ⁵⁵ mi³³ ndʐɯ³³ tsʻɯ³³ hwɑ³³ hwɑ³³/ sharp knife bright as flame
1467. rur wei tvq /ʐur³³ we³³ tʻv³¹/ to set up knives
1468. ceil /tsʻe⁵⁵/ destroy
1469. ua ndal durq ke seiq /wɑ³³ ndɑ⁵⁵ tur³¹ kʻə³³ se³¹/ chop the chopping board when chopping the bone
1470. nda ua /ndɑ³³ wɑ³³/ December
1471. kei /kʻe³³/ broken