'O' God in Li et al 1972

There are 8 glyphs without shared component in this section Li Lincan et al. (1972).... Back to the Plate of radicals in Li et al. (1972).

2006. onl /õ⁵⁵/ 'o' god
2007. heiq /he³¹/ 'hai' god
2066. ddoq /do³¹/ 'ddo' god
2022. loq /ro³¹/ god of man
2024. seiq /se³¹/ goddess of woman
2019. o mbv jjeq ie /o³³ mbv³³ dʑə³¹ iə³³/ name of a major god of the heaven
2119. see choq seel lv /sɯ³³ tʂʻo³¹ sɯ⁵⁵ rv³³/ name of a god
2120. mee ssee beil zei /mɯ³³ zɯ³³ pe⁵⁵ tse³³/ name of a god living in the heaven