Others in Li et al 1972

There are 8 glyphs without shared component in this section Li Lincan et al. (1972).... Back to the Plate of radicals in Li et al. (1972).

1892. xi si gv pieq kail /ɕi³³ si³³ kv³³ pʻiə³¹ kʻæ⁵⁵/ ghost of poor with open hair (one of the 'shu' ghosts)
1893. oq mieq mgua nee suei kee mgei lei sherq /o³¹ miə³¹ ŋgwɑ³³ nɯ³³ swe³³ kʻɯ³³ ŋge³³ le³³ ʂər³¹/ blind servant bringing cripple chief (one of the 'shu' ghosts)
1894. xi je deiq rua nrhai /ɕi³³ tɕə³³ te³¹ ʐwɑ³³ ndʐæ³³/ leprosy patient riding donkey (one of the 'shu' ghosts)
1897. ndai mei lua naq /ndæ³³ me³³ rwɑ³³ nɑ³¹/ a fox demon
1898. kee naq shoq gv zzeeq /kʻɯ³³ nɑ³¹ ʂo³¹ kv³³ dzɯ³¹/ black dog with iron head (an animal demon)
1899. fvl jji ndvq reeq naq /fv⁵⁵ dʑi³³ ndv³¹ ʐɯ³¹ nɑ³¹/ a snake demon
1886. ssaq /zɑ³¹/ 'ssa' demon
1887. xi leel xi der /ɕi³³ rɯ⁵⁵ ɕi³³ tər³³/ one of the 'ssa' demons