Radical Pot in Li et al 1972

There are 16 glyphs containing the radical "pot" in Li Lincan et al. (1972).

9-6.  (16)
1289. bbv /bv³³/ pot
1290. deeq /tɯ³¹/ soldier
1291. fvl /fv⁵⁵/ to fix pot
1292. bbv kee /bv³³ kʻɯ³³/ the pot breaks
1293. iq /ji³¹/ leak
1294. ai /æ³³/ bronze
1295. jel /tɕə⁵⁵/ boil
1296. leil jel /le⁵⁵ tɕə⁵⁵/ boil tea
1297. bburq /bur³¹/ splash
1298. hiu /hʏ³³/ stir fry
1299. bbv lei gvl deeq /bv³³ le³³ kv⁵⁵ tɯ³¹/ pot upside-down (no meal)
1300. gvl /kv⁵⁵/ turn upside-down (no meal)
1301. ai bbv shoq bbv gvl gv /æ³³ bv³³ ʂo³¹ bv³³ kv⁵⁵ kv³³/ close pots together (to keep the soul of the deceased)
1302. cho /tʂʻo³³/ stir fry
1303. see bbv ei pv cerl /sɯ³³ bv³³ e³³ pʻv³³ tsʻər⁵⁵/ three generations
1304. bvl /pv⁵⁵/ caldron