Radical Shu in Li et al 1972

There are 19 glyphs containing the radical "sorcerer" in Li Lincan et al. (1972).... Back to the Plate of radicals in Li et al. (1972).

1968. shvq /ʂv³¹/ shu
1969. shvq /ʂv³¹/ shu shu
1970. ni /ȵi³³/ ni shu
1971. diu /tʏ³³/ diu shu
1972. saq ddal /sɑ³¹ dɑ⁵⁵/ sada shu
1973. jje bbv tal ie /dʑə³¹ bv³³ tʻɑ⁵⁵ iə³³/ Shu Shu King in the east
1974. jjeq bbv nrhua bvl /dʑə³¹ bv³³ ndʐwɑ³³ pv⁵⁵/ Shu Shu King in the south
1975. jjeq bbv bei ma /dʑə³¹ bv³³ pe³³ mɑ³³/ Shu Shu King in the west
1976. jje bbv do jol /dʑə³¹ bv³³ to³³ tɕo⁵⁵/ Shu Shu King in the north
1977. zei na leeq cheel /tse³³ nɑ³³ rɯ³¹ tʂʻɯ⁵⁵/ Shu Shu King in the center (male)
1978. shvq mei naq bvl /ʂv³¹ me³³ nɑ³¹ pv⁵⁵/ Shu Shu King in the center (female)
1991. cher nii to bbaq kee so /tʂʻər³³ ȵi³³ tʻo³³ bɑ³¹ kʻɯ³³ so³³/ Nii Shu King in the east
1992. pv nii ddvq kee seiq zeel /pʻv³³ ȵi³³ dv³¹ kʻɯ³³ se³¹ tsɯ⁵⁵/ Nii Shu King in the south
1993. see ddua shoq zeel /sɯ³³ dwɑ³³ ʂo³¹ tsɯ⁵⁵/ Nii Shu King in the west
1994. ji ndoq so zeel /tɕi³³ ndo³¹ so³³ tsɯ⁵⁵/ Nii Shu King in the north
1995. loq i jji bv /lo³¹ i³³ dʑi³³ bv³³/ Nii Shu King in the center (male)
1996. loq i jji mo /lo³¹ i³³ dʑi³³ mo³³/ Nii Shu King in the center (female)
1997. nii gge diuq ueiq /ȵi³³ gə³³ tʏ³¹ we³¹/ Shu King of the heaven
1998. nii gge diuq ueiq /ȵi³³ gə³³ tʏ³¹ we³¹/ Shu King of the ground