Radical Mushroom in Li et al 1972

There are 5 glyphs containing the radical "mushroom" in Li Lincan et al. (1972).

7-29.  (5)
1047. mol /mo⁵⁵ (mɯ³³)/ mushroom
1048. mee leel nii kai kai /mɯ³³ rɯ⁵⁵ ȵi³³ kʻæ³³ kʻæ³³/ a legendary placename
995. ssi /zi³³/ beautiful(Ruke character)
19. mee lee zhvl gv purq lvl /mɯ³³ rɯ⁵⁵ tʂv⁵⁵ kv³³ pʻur³¹ rv⁵⁵/ the white chaos of the beginning ,,
20. mee lee chvl gv naq lvl /mɯ³³ rɯ⁵⁵ tʂʻv⁵⁵ kv³³ na³¹ rv⁵⁵/ the black chaos of the beginning ,,